Musica in Villa 2024

Musica in Villa 2024

1 August 2024 – 20:45 hours In case of bad weather the event will take place at the Municipal Theatre Benois De Cecco of Codroipo Once again this year Villa Manin is pleased to host one of the events of the Musica in Villa® 2024 review. The event, conceived by Progetto Integrato Cultura del Medio […]

Mario Biondi

Mario Biondi in concerto a Villa Manin 22 luglio 2024

22 July 2024 – 9:00 p.m. After the success of his recent theatre tour, the Italian crooner par excellence Mario Biondi will find his ideal space in the courtyard of honour of Villa Manin, a place of art, beauty and history, offering, with his voice so unique and singular on the Italian scene, several pieces […]

Pinocchio Confidential

Pinocchio Confidential a Villa Manin

16 July 2024 – 9:00 p.m. The Court of Honour of the Villa Manin hosts two giants of jazz music: Paolo Fresu and Glauco Venier, accompanied by the voice of Lella Costa, in the concert version of Pinocchio Confidential, a reading by Lella Costa and Gabriele Vacis based on The Adventures of Pinocchio. Storia di […]

Nile Rodgers & Chic

Nile Rodgers in concerto a Villa Manin

19 July 2024 at 09:00 pm Winner of numerous Grammy awards, member of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Songwriters hall of fame, he has just been awarded the Polar prize, the Nobel prize of music He is the iconic American songwriter, composer, producer, arranger and guitarist who has written and produced memorable […]


Hauser in concerto a Villa Manin

6 July 2024 – 09.00 pm 1 billion views on youtube and over 100 million streams on spotify, 10 million followers on facebook and 4 million followers on instagram After ten years of planetary success with the 2cellos, his first solo album debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard charts and his latest tour filled […]