The other ERPAC sites

magazzino Altre sedi ERPAC

Magazzino delle Idee

The Magazzino delle idee in Trieste is a cultural centre located in Corso Cavour, a stone’s throw from the railway station and Piazza Unità. It was established as part of the overall project to refurbish the waterfront buildings.

faro - Altre sedi ERPAC

Victory Light

The Victory Light, which was reopened on 15 April 2017 by ERPAC, is located in Trieste and was built between 15 January 1923 and 24 May 1927 by the architect Arduino Berlam.

Altre sedi ERPAC

Palazzo Attems Petzenstein

The palazzo has housed the Provincial Museums of Gorizia since 1900 and now acts as a temporary exhibition space with a picture gallery on the main floor. The rooms house almost 100 pieces, including paintings, drawings, engravings and sculptures

museo moda - Altre sedi ERPAC

Museo della moda e delle arti applicate

The Museum of Fashion and Applied Arts was established in 1999 as part of the Provincial Museums of Gorizia. It is one of the very few Italian museums devoted to the history of textiles and costume.


Luigi Spazzapan Gallery

The Luigi Spazzapan Regional Gallery of Contemporary Art opened on 15 January 1977 in the historic Palazzo Torriani, which currently houses the Gradisca d’Isonzo town hall. It has recently come under the tutelage of the regional cultural heritage department (ERPAC).


Penzi Museum of Rural Life

This museum is the result of the enthusiastic and tireless collecting activities of Diogene Penzi, a teacher, headmaster and ethnologist. The museum dedicated to his name is set up in a wing of Palazzo Tullio Altan, one of the most illustrious stately homes in San Vito al Tagliamento (Pn).


Museum of emigration

The Palazzo dei Conti Polcenigo-Fanna (built between 1562 and 1594), also known as Palazat, was badly damaged by the 1976 earthquake. It has housed the municipal administration and the Museum of Emigration since 2000.