Water care – T3rza Terra

Sunday 13 October 2024

To open a unique perspective on the challenges of our time, with the aim of promoting new solutions for a more sustainable future from an environmental, but also social and economic point of view. These are some of the proposals that emerged from the Villa Manin Rebirth Forum, which took place on 25 May in Villa Dogale, with the aim of involving the associations and experiences of the territory.

The day of Sunday 13 October will be dedicated to water, a precious and increasingly threatened commodity: thanks to the collaboration between associations, universities, research institutes and artists, the focus will be on the issues related to water and its future from different perspectives. At 3 p.m., Villa Manin will host Curiamoci dell’acqua/Water Care, a meeting combining art and science to raise public awareness on the sustainable management of water, including talks and performances with the involvement of scientists, popularisers and artists. Experts such as Chiara Scaini of the National Institute of Oceanography, who will talk about the project she is developing on the Tagliamento River, Roberta Sodomaco, coordinator of the Staranzano Festival, and Francesco Scarel, lecturer at the Master in Science Communication at SISSA and coordinator of the Risorgiva project, will take part in the debate. They will talk about the artscience project that distinguishes the Water Festival. Environmental and third sector associations will also play a central role, with the intervention of Sandro Cargnelutti of Legambiente Fvg, who will focus on the concept of ‘Cultural Ecosystem’, and Marco Iob of Cevi and the Comitato Acqua Bene Comune, who will illustrate a proposal already brought to the Rebirth Forum at Villa Manin, namely the Blue Communities, Communities that take care of water. These speakers will be joined by institutional voices, such as the deputy mayor of Codroipo, Giacomo Trevisan, who will focus on the Tagliamento River that laps the municipality he administers, and artistic reflections, with the performance ‘When mind becomes from’ by Isabella Pers and the intervention of artist Roberto Ghezzi, who will give a broader view that goes as far as glaciers and their inexorable melting. Giada Rossi, from the University of Udine, will close the cycle of speeches with an in-depth look at the project Comunicare H2O, which aims to promote a conscious and sustainable management of water resources.


Water care

3:00 p.m.  welcome greeting from Guido Comis, Director of  Villa Manin and Paolo Naldini, Director of Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte

from 3:30 p.m.

Chiara Scaini, National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics – OGS
Roberta Sodomaco, Coordinator Staranzano Water Festival 
Francesco Scarel, Coordinator of the Risorgiva project, Lecturer of the Master in Science Communication at SISSA
Sandro Cargnelutti, President of  Legambiente FVG
Giacomo Trevisan, Deputy mayor of Codroipo (UD)
Roberto Ghezzi, Visual artist
Marco Iob, Cevi and the Common Good Water Committee
Isabella Pers, performance “Whend mind becomes from” 
Giada Rossi, University of Udine, Comuncare H2O

During the day it will be possible to have an immersive experience of the Tagliamento River through some 3D viewers provided by CeVi

Villa Manin-Erpac Regione FVG Terza Terra Michelangelo Pistoletto e Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto