FVG Bike Trail

from Thursday 19 September 2024

The first edition of the FVG Bike Trail, a non-competitive cycling event dedicated to lovers of adventure on two wheels, starts on 19 September 2024. At the choice of each participant, two ring routes of 490 km and 190 km, to be covered at one’s own pace and independently organising stops and overnight stays.

FVG Bike Trail was created with the aim of guiding its participants through an intimate discovery of the wonders of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, combining the love of cycling with the spirit of adventure and the pleasure of travel. To take part in the event you can choose between two routes
ring routes of different length and intensity: the longer one of 490 km with 5,200 D+ and a shorter one of 190 km with 2,000 D+. Each route has been designed to provide participants with an authentic concentrate of nature, history and beauty of the Friulian territory and winds along the secondary and forest roads of the region.
forests of the region. From the hills of San Daniele to the coast of Lignano, passing through Venzone, Gemona, the Torre and Natisone Valleys, the Colli Orientali, Cividale, Palmanova and Marano Lagunare.

‘As Friulians and great fans of the cycling world, designing these two routes was perhaps the most challenging part of the project. We tried to give shape to a tale on two wheels capable of giving back, to those who will ride it, a truthful and unexpected picture of our region,’ says Giacomo Miranda, creator and organiser of FVG Bike Trail and CEO of PM2.

No competition: you ride at your own pace

FVG Bike Trail is a non-competitive one-stage (or unsupported) event. Each participant can decide in absolute freedom which route to take, when to start (the planned starting dates are from 19 to 21 September 2024 and can be selected during registration), how much to pedal and where to stop. The track of the chosen route in .gpx format will be provided by the organisation shortly before the start.

Starting and finishing point for both routes is the exclusive location of Villa Manin in Passariano di Codroipo (UD), easily reachable by all means of transport, including bicycles. ‘We chose the unsupported format because we believe it goes well with a region like Friuli Venezia Giulia, a beautiful land, rich in routes and connections, but at times unknown even to those who live there,’ explains Giacomo Miranda. ‘In thinking of the event, therefore, we wanted anyone who participated to be able to do so freely but also consciously, and the philosophy of an unsupported event is precisely this: no one dictates the times, you pedal at your own pace and in freedom, but you are also called upon to enter into a real connection with the territory, to get to know it, to organise stops and overnight stays independently’.

The event jersey signed by Gianni Borta
To represent the strong link between FVG Bike Trail and its territory, the official jersey of the first edition of the event bears the signature of a great Friulian artist, the master Gianni Borta. A distinguished painter and leading figure in Italian naturalistic art, Borta transformed the Supergiara Jersey by
Sportul (technical partner of the event) into a precious canvas where art and cycling come together in a mosaic of colours. The result is a true work of art, which was an immediate success with the public: produced in a limited edition, it is already sold-out and, once the event is over, will remain not only a beautiful memento of the event, but also an iconic piece to be jealously guarded.

To register for FVG Bike Trail 2024, obtain more information on the route and consult the event regulations, the dedicated portal www.fvgbiketrail.com is available.
Registrations are open while stocks last.

The event is conceived and organised by It Takes Two srl benefit company (based in Udine), with the support of PromoturismoFVG and Villa Manin-ERPAC, the patronage of the FVG Region and in partnership with PM2 communication and marketing agency, Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele, X-Zone Bike, BCC CrediFriuli and 620 Passi.

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FVG Bike Trail
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