Art Design Territory

From 9 to 13 Ocotber 2024

The Academy of Fine Arts ‘G.B. Tiepolo’ of Udine will play a leading role in the fascinating setting of Villa Manin as part of the Terza Terra project, which, until 31 December 2024, will feature an exhibition of some masterpieces by Michelangelo Pistoletto in dialogue with works by eleven Italian and foreign artists.

Specifically, ABA UD has been involved as a reference point for design and contemporary art in the area and will organise two meetings, mainly aimed at students, but open to all interested parties.

The first appointment is for 9 October with the start of the first workshop ‘Embodied knowledge. A dialogue between art, memory and territory’, held by Chiara Sgaramella: starting from the work of the same name on display at the exhibition, the artist proposes a reflection on forms of knowledge based on practice and direct relationship with the territory, often ignored in formal academic contexts. Through a brief theoretical excursus accompanied by work with archival and contemporary images, participants will be invited to experiment with formulas of collective creation based on the arts of graphics and installation. The workshop is aimed at students in the first year of the Academy’s Painting course. There are several objectives: to experiment with transdisciplinary and collaborative forms of expression, to realise a collective work, to reflect critically on artistic practice as a source of knowledge and to document the creative process.

The students will be asked to use social media to tell their experience. The result will be the elaboration of an artistic book that covers all the issues addressed.

The use of Artificial Intelligence within the creative process will also be experimented with during the workshop.

On the same day, a workshop on ecodesign also kicks off, which focuses on the relationship between design, water and territory and involves the Academy’s Design and Interior Architecture students.

This course is also part of the Terza Terra programme and within the ‘Let’s care for water’ project: using contemporary art as a tool and language of collaboration to create a culture of awareness and offer innovative tools and ideas to change habits regarding the use of water, an essential element for the rural world that represents an important sector of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

The workshop foresees the involvement of various experts in the sector, from associations and organisations in the area, and will then continue with the actual project activity

We are very proud to have been invited to bring our contribution to the Terza Terra project, in the wonderful setting of Villa Manin. We have the opportunity to show and bring out of the classroom our training model and our vision: ABA UD was created with the aim of training professionals to work at their best within contemporary creativity, intercepting its evolution over time

Villa Manin-Erpac Regione FVG Terza Terra Michelangelo Pistoletto e Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto