Christmas Villa Manin

Opening hours from 24.12.2023 to 01.01.2024
24 and 31 December The villa and park close at 2 p.m.
25 December closed
26 to 30 December The villa will be open regular hours from 10:00 to 19:00 (last entry 18:30) – the park from 9:00 to 17:00 (last entry 16:30)
1 January 2024 The villa will be open regularly with the usual opening times from 10:00 to 19:00 (last entrance 18:30) – the park from 9:00 to 17:00 (last entrance 16:30)
Special events
23 and 26 December 2023 – 1, 6 and 7 January 2024 at 3.30 p.m.
Guided tours
in collaboration with Turismo FVG
visit to the chapel and the villa’s interiors, meeting with the people who lived at Villa Manin through the multimedia path of the talking pictures
Admission to Villa Manin + guided tour at the special price of 12€ each – 8€ guided tour + 4€ admission ticket (free for FVG Card holders and children under 12 accompanied by an adult).
Info and bookings: tel. 0432.821258 email:

28 December 2023 at 10:30 a.m.
Sound Machines
Visit to the Zimoun exhibition and workshop for children aged 6 to 10 years in collaboration with Arteventi
Deep, sharp, intense, fast, slow… the noises produced by Zimoun’s machines become organised, almost melodic sounds. A series of activities and games played in front of the works, also using blindfolds, will allow us to get to know the artist and to internalise the sounds we hear: the various rooms of the Villa become little worlds in their own right that send our thoughts back to different places and situations. We will then challenge ourselves, during the workshop, to an experiment in the auditory interpretation of reality: an acoustic game in which the challenge will be to create sound machines with different materials capable of imitating situations and contexts suggested by photographs. Let the challenge begin!
Duration 2h – workshop price €10 + free admission (accompanying parents: €8)
Limited places
Reservation compulsory email phone 3474429515
6 January 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
Zimoun at the Villa Manin
Guided tour for adults in collaboration with Arteventi
A guided tour of the exhibition as an opportunity to open a constructive dialogue between art, music and emotion. A journey through Zimoun’s artistic research, which becomes an opportunity to rediscover the spaces of the villa, a new way to visit it and to get closer to the
nature that surrounds it.
Duration 1h – guided tour price €8 + €4 concessions
Limited places
Booking required email phone 3474429515