Between heaven and earth – T3rza Terra

Saturday 12 October 2024

During the Rebirth Forum a meeting took place between T3rza Terra, the exhibition organised by Villa Manin-Erpac with the Michelangelo Pistoletto Foundation and Cittadellarte, and Tree Art Festival. This gave rise to the idea of cooperating to talk about what lies at the heart of the two cultural projects, i.e. providing the tools for a conscious change of society in a sustainable way, respecting and enhancing the natural environment

Saturday 12 October will open with the event Tra Cielo e Terra: Le città del mondo tra cielo e terra (Between Heaven and Earth: The Cities of the World), in the Villa Di Toppo Florio in Buttrio (UD), starting at 8.30 am. The meeting, introduced by Patrizia Minen, creator and curator of TreeArt festival, co-organiser of the event, will explore the theme of the cities of the future in connection with the Tree cities of the world programme through the contribution of international experts, starting with that of Prof. Fabio Salbitano, from the University of Sassari, a member of the TreeArt scientific committee, who will speak on the theme of the cultural and social challenges of urban landscapes of the past and future. Paolo Trivellato, from the Green, Parks and Urban Agriculture Sector of the Municipality of Padua, together with Ana Macias and Claudia Arborcity, leaders of the Tree Cities of the World programme in Spain, will speak on the topic of ‘urban food forests’ and their implementation in modern cities. The role of FAO will also be central, with Michela Conigliaro from the Forestry Department offering a perspective on the Tree Cities of the World programme at the global level. Saša Dobričić from the University of Nova Gorica will complete the panel of speakers. The meeting will end with a round table discussion involving Paolo Naldini, director of Cittadellarte, Saša Dobričić, Fabio Salbitano and Andrea Marostegan, in dialogue on new strategies to face food challenges in urban contexts.

In the afternoon, the programme will move to the Villa Manin, where at 3 p.m. the meeting T3rza Terra: Agriculture for a right to food between heaven and earth will start, a moment of reflection and debate that will see the participation of some of the most important voices in the field of agriculture and the right to food. Guido Comis, director of Villa Manin, will open the session, followed by the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto. Giacomo Bassmaji will introduce the guests, Juan Echanove, Team Leader Right to Food of the FAO, will speak on the topic ‘Right to food and right to culture’ Cristina Micheloni of Aiab, will talk about agriculture, territory and the importance of adopting organic farming methods, and Andrea Marostegan of Bi-Biochair will offer an in-depth discussion on biochar, a natural soil conditioner to nourish soils in an ecological way, while artist Chiara Sgaramella, artist and postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, will enrich the debate with an artistic reflection on the topic. This will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Giacomo Bassmaji with Paolo Naldini, Walter el Nagar Refectory Project in Geneva, proposing a demopractical approach to the right to food, Prof. Fabio Salbitano, who will explore how to create urban environments capable of guaranteeing fair and sustainable access to food.

The day will end with an important artistic moment. At 6 p.m., at Villa Manin, the inauguration of the work I temp(l)i cambiano, signed by Michelangelo Pistoletto, will take place, together with those of other artists who dialogue with Pistoletto’s works, including Nico Angiuli, Chiara Sgaramella and Miriam del Saz, Isabella Pers, PLOT, Ryts Monet and the Robida Collective, a cultural association and collective based in Topolò/Topolove (Grimacco), a small village of 25 inhabitants in the province of Udine, on the border between Friuli and Slovenia. Opening the ceremony, the sound performance Almost Solo by Michele Spanghero will involve the audience in a unique immersive experience. The evening will end with Play Room by Samuel, a well-known member of Subsonica, who will perform in collaboration with the CSS Teatro Stabile di Innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia, starting at 7 pm.


World cities between heaven and earth – Villa Di Toppo Florio a Buttrio (UD)

8:30 a.m. welcome
Eliano Bassi, Mayor of Buttrio (UD)
Patrizia Minen, creator and curator Tree Art Festival
Prof. Fabio Salbitano, University of Sassari (ways of co-creating areas in urban environments on the right to food, education on conscious consumption) Urban food forest
Dott. Paolo Trivellato,Green, parks and urban agriculture sector of the Municipality of Padua
Ana Macias e Claudia Arborcity, leader of Tree Cities of the World Programme in Spain
Michela Conigliaro, FAO Forestry Department
Saša Dobričič, Università di Nova Gorica

Round table with Paolo Naldini, Prof. Fabio Salbitano, Saša Dobričič e Andrea Marostegan

T3rza Terra: Agriculture for a right to food between heaven and earth – Villa Manin a Passariano di Codroipo (UD)

3:00 p.m.  welcome
Guido Comis, Director of Villa Manin
Giacomo Bassmaji, Art curator of Demopraxia atVilla Manin
Juan Echanove, FAO Team leader Right to food
Cristina Micheloni, Aiab (organic farmers’ association)
Andrea Marostegan, Bi-biochair
Chiara Sgaramella, artist

Round table with Paolo Naldini, Director of Cittadellarte, Walter el Nagar, Geneva Refectory Project, right to food, Prof. Fabio Salbitano, University of Sassari

6:00 p.m. Almost-Solo acoustic performance of Michele Spanghero

6:30 p.m. Inauguration of the opera I templi cambiano of Michelangelo Pistoletto and of the works of Nico Angiuli, Chiara Sgaramella e Miriam del Saz, Isabella Pers, PLOT, Ryts Monet e Collettivo Robida

7:00 p.m. Play Room esibition of Samuel, Subsonica’s singer (in collaboration with CSS Teatro Stabile of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Villa Manin-Erpac Regione FVG Terza Terra Michelangelo Pistoletto e Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto